Saturday, October 15, 2011

I'm No Kate Moss

This outfit is one I wore yesterday - which was "casual day" at work. I realized once I looked at the photo, the jeans are a bit too short and I should have worn my other skinny jeans which are a bit longer and provide some "scrunch" at the ankle, which helps to balance the look. Next time...

My husband (now sometime photographer) took the shot and thought we should try striking a model-type pose...and this is what we got. Face it - I'm no Kate Moss.

Leather jacket: Cleo Petites
Blouse: Attitude by Jay Manuel
Jeans: Calvin Klein (thrifted)
Leather Booties: Naturalizer
Purse: Guess (thrifted)


  1. I think you look great Shannon! I'm enjoying reading your blog. I'm trying to stay away from stores too mostly due to budget restraints. It's also good to keep the kids away from stores so they don't whine for things - the kids are my weakness. I've started giving them an allowance so that they can spend "their own money" (which is really mine) and they can make decisions about how to spend it.

  2. Hey Sherry - nice of you to "pop by"! I've determined that if I don't see something, then I'm less likely to want to buy it. Staying out of the stores, not looking on-line or even looking at the flyers - those are all key to me not buying.

    And I think the allowance thing is excellent - I've been doing that with Iain since he was 5 and he has a much firmer grasp of money and is much more careful on how he spends it. He starts his first job on Wednesday and will be earning his own money so I hope he keeps up the smart spending/budgeting.
