Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What the hell am I thinking?

Hello. My name is Shannon. I'm a shop-a-holic (this is where you now say "hello Shannon").

I love to shop. For anything. I love the sounds of the voices in the stores, the feel of the shopping cart handle, the smell of the new leather shoes, the sparkle of the hardware on the purses, the weaving in and out of racks of clothing, the hunt for the perfect item...and then you spy it, out of the corner of your see another lady turn and look at pick up speed trying not to run over the wandering toddler's foot as you whistle past the rack of hideous purple knit elastic-waist pants...ahhhh you've gotten there first, found your size on the rack and head to the change room. It fits. It's yours. Life is good.

At least until you get the credit card bill.

And therein lies my problem - even though about 80% of my wardrobe is thrifted (that's a WHOLE other addiction I'll be talking about from time to time) it all adds up. Even thrifting isn't cheap if you're going every week!

So I've decided to try this wee experiment of no shopping (if I don't put it in regular sized font, it doesn't count) until end of March 2012 (excluding necessities like underwear and socks, or replacement of an existing item due to something like damage). I have plenty of clothes, shoes, purses and jewellry and there's no reason I can't make this work. I will learn new ways to wear old things and try and experiment with different combinations of my current clothing items. This will be a fun'll be fun, right?

So this blog is going to be my retail therapy. I'm going to chat about how I'm making it work without spending, rant some 'bout how frustrated I am over wearing those black pants AGAIN, and maybe cry a little over the loss of The Gap excursions with a side trip to Starbucks. Care to join me?

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